
Monday 29 March 2010

Rebuttal: Labour's unjoined up thinking!

I found Labour's piece about HGV's in their latest "Talking Points" both welcome and interesting.

Welcome as it indicates that Labour do really sense that we could take the seat from them in May. I cannot remember a 'Talking Point' in the last 6 years that has carried as much about the Green Party as the present issue does.

Interesting in that reading the item you would think that the Labour group of councillors in Halton View are against HGV's travelling unecessarily on the roads in Halton.

Not so if Labour's plans for making Halton a distribution hub in the northwest go ahead as planned. The borough will find itself faced with an increase of up to an estimated 1000 HGV's every 24 hour cycle.

The 'Talking Point' article suggests that the Mersey Multimodal Gateway (3MG) development will reduce HGV traffic but this reduction only relates to long haul national travel. It will in fact increase local traffic on Halton's roads. HGV's from neighbouring areas will be accessing the road/rail head etc.

The Green Party, for several years, has been objecting to planning proposals to a range of developments which relate to this plan of creating in Halton one of the most important distribution hubs in the region, whereas Labour have seen such developments as economically important to the bourough. This is questionable if we are talking specifically about the economic gains of residents living in Halton and does not take into account other important factors like health and safety.

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