
Wednesday 3 February 2010

The Green Party X Factor

Just heard that residents at Hargreaves Court have received blue bins a few days ago.

This is great news. We wrote to the council (see previous blog) when the problem had been picked up from residents during recent leafleting of the area. Was it coincidence or was it the ever encroaching Green Party X factor effect!! The bins have been produced just like that!

It seems that whenever there is a whiff of the expression of Green Party's legitimate concerns about anything in Halton View ward weird things start happening like the council doing something right away. There have been other incidences, Fiddlers Ferry fallout a few years ago, HGV traffic etc

Although it could all be my wishful thinking - but it's great that its happening and I suspect that this particular X factor effect will become even more significant when we get our first Green councillor on the council and not just in Halton View ward.

Roll on that May day!!

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