
Sunday 7 December 2008

I Should Have Gone Yesterday!

I should have gone yesterday. It was the climate change demonstration in London although you would never have thought it had happened as far as media coverage is concerned. Climate change is the greatest challenge we have ever faced. It hasn't gone away, it's still with us even with a new apparantly green leaning US president.

The EU is currently discussing proposals regarding tackling the issue but it has faltered in a couple of vital areas mainly through member states self interest (see

The EU situation of course is reflected in the positions we take as individuals - what's important for us is today, next week, next month, next year and how are we going to exist financially as the credit crunch finally starts biting. And if we consume less what's going to happen to the economy?

But, and it's easy for me to say this as I'm relatively well off, it's possible to tackle the challenge at whatever level we are able to. The state has a massive role to play eg developing a 'green' economy but we as individuals can also do a lot. (See this blog 117/10/08) And the good thing is there are many positives in the process of individuals saving energy,saving money.

It's not just in the area of financial benefits though. The situation that we find ourselves in pushes us to reconsider our values. Is there a need to buy this, can we do that another way? In this new mindset there’s a possibility that we’re entering into a more creative style of living. We’re not being carried along by consumerist society so much as being more in control and reaping the benefits of self assertedness.

Are these living in a daydream grand words? We’re going to find it hard. Aren’t we comfortable in doing what we’re doing? Change can be painful but do we have a choice?

I should have gone yesterday!

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