
Monday 28 April 2008

Unfair recycling charges?

An older couple approached me today whilst leafleting wanting advice about the collection and recycling service the council offer.

Although they had been able to transport a freezer themselves to Johnsons Lane Recycling Centre, with some difficulty, they were concerned about pensioners and others on low incomes who didn't have access to a car.

It's free to drop items off but if you ask the council to collect there's a charge of up to £20 for a large item. People on low incomes often don't have access to cars etc and might find it difficult to meet such charges.

Its important that white goods etc are disposed of correctly and properly recycled and obviously we're not helping matters if we make it difficult for people to recycle.

So I sent the council an email asking them what the current situation was regarding collection charges:

"I am emailing to find out what the current situation is regarding charges for collecting freezers and fridges and other large domestic appliances for recycling.
I understand pensioners and those on low incomes, presumably like other people, are being charged up to £20 for items collected.
This seems unfair as they are less likely to have transport, when there would be no charge involved, to take these large items to recycling centres such as the one at Johnsons's Lane.
These charges could make people consider fly tipping which is obviously something we would want to avoid.
Are there any concessions for people on low incomes?
I'd be grateful for any help you could give re this matter".

If you've had similar difficulties please let us know and keep checking this blog to find out the council's response!

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