The proposed INEOS incinerator development at Runcorn is now coming to a head. If the Application to vary Condition 57 is accepted it will not just mean an increase in the dangerous emissions that will affect the local area but also a boost to the numbers of HGV's operating in Halton.
All of us in Widnes and Runcorn will be affected. This is of course in an area which has the highest tonnage and widest range of chemicals emitted to the atmosphere. And with the council's plans to make Halton one of the largest distributive hubs in the region the present proposals are going to mean a substantial increase to the numbers of HGV's on Halton's roads already in the pipeline. None of the other political parties are making any fuss about the health dangers inherent in the current schemes. Take a look at the 1/02/11 blog here for a background to the dangers of HGV particulate emissions.
Currently the main group campaigning about the issue HAGATI have recently begun legal proceedings. Jeff Meehan one of the campaigners has recently sent me a couple of e-mails related to the situation.
Jeff says,
"As you will be aware the decision to decide on the Application by Ineos to vary Condition 57 has been deferred until the 15th August, we are working hard to try and hopefully put together a compelling case for the Councillors to refuse the application.
The current major issue is that INEOS have applied for a variation on Condition 57 which Halton Borough Council laid down to ensure the protection and safety of residents. INEOS now want to increase the amount of waste being delivered by road, from 85,000 tonnes per year to a whopping 480,000 tonnes per year. This will result in 384 Heavy Goods Vehicle movements per day to and from the INEOS site alone, (not to mention the traffic for their personnel) contributing to the exceptionally high amount of traffic using the Runcorn Expressway, Westfield Interchange, and the Silver Jubilee Bridge not only affecting congestion and nuisance, but will increase the very high levels of traffic pollution.
It beggars belief that the Widnes Councillors now see this as a purely parochial problem for Weston Point residents. If any of your members could lobby the Widnes Councillors, if only to remind them that the 384 lorries a day, if they are bringing waste from Warrington or anywhere North of the Mersey will in fact pass through Widnes and will certainly not make the situation on the Silver Jubilee Bridge any better, it would be a great help".
HAGATI has now begun legal proceedings
and we need everyone's financial help
by donating £5 towards our legal battle against the Incinerator
The Environmental Law Foundation (ELF) to which we have previously referred, has agreed to take on our case. Our QC, Mr Stephen Tromans, one of the most distinguished men in his area of specialization is acting on our behalf together with solicitors Richard Buxton. Obviously, we cannot reveal the full details but we can tell you that we and our legal team are confident that our case will be heard favourably.
Legal proceedings do not come cheap, and although we are subject to some legal aid, we have to make a contribution towards the costs. The amount required to initiate proceedings is reachable if everyone who is supportive of our aim contributes at least £5. If you can give more to substitute those who are less able, then please do so. Any amount will help tremendously but please act quickly – we have a deadline to meet !
You can donate in different ways:-
By cash:-
Telephone a Committee Member and we will collect
Jeff Meehan - Chairman 01928 581171
Sue Bowden - Secretary 01928 572311
By cheque / postal order (made payable to HAGATI) to:-
Alan Gorry, Treasurer, 81 Moughland Lane, Runcorn, WA7 4SG
Tel:- -01928 572298By direct transfer to our Bank:-
Nat West, 53 High Street, Runcorn, WA7 1AW
Payee Halton Action Group Against The IncineratorSort Code 60-18-06
Account 15547809
This may be the last chance to save Runcorn from this terrible mistake
Help keep the environment clean for our children