I was a little surprised and disheartened to see a letter a few weeks ago in the 'Weekly News' which was captioned in large print accompanied by photos "Greens Case on Speed is Discredited"
The thrust of the letter relates to previous letters in the paper from un-named persons about speeding and HGV's in Moorfield Rd and Barrows Green Lane Widnes. These letters were critical of the council doing little about the problems and in one of them mention was made of the fact that only one person (ie yours trully) was the only one trying to do something about the issue (The lorry watch scheme I presume).
The writer went on to say after a preamble, which talked about how the Green Party was against another Mersey crossing and was in favour of tolling the existing bridge and how this would bring more HGV's to the area, that the council and the Halton View Action Group plus police had done quite a bit (flashing speed restriction signs and speed guns) in relation to the problem of speeding. The Green Party according to the writer was nowhere to be seen in all this activity but, "... are quite prepared to frighten people by overstating the case".
The assumption by the writer was that the letters were politically inspired, The writer states, "The danger of speeding is not one to be used by un-named letter writers from Barrows Green Lane for political purposes".
I have to say that I am not behind any of these letters and have no idea who the writers are.
I think the second mersey crossing issue is a complicated one and the Green Party's position on this can be viewed in an earlier blog(26/06/08. It would seem (note seem) though that the second Mersey crossing is tied up with many development schemes (eg Eddie Stobart) in the area which undoubtedly if they all come to fruition will probably (note probably) increase not decrease the potential HGV usage of local roads.
The writer of the letter in my opinion was right in saying that local politicians have been trying all sorts of ways in improving traffic problems in the area but the other issues she raises in my opinion are not quite correct. I am not going to respond directly to this letter (I think?) and join in a round of personal criticism with few of the players listening to alternative points of view. I'm sure there'll be others willing to take up these particular cudgels - maybe!
I can only assume that the writer (I could be wrong with paranoia taking over)herself is politically motivated and her response might be related to my involvement with the "Lorry Watch Scheme" which local residents and myself set up in partnership with Halton Trading Standards at the end of last year. I can only say that the scheme is not a Green Party domain - it's community inspired and community run and we have tried hard to involve everyone living in the area.
One of things that I dislike about party politics is the attitude of the proponents of party's that their position is the correct position that they're the only ones with the truth, whatever that is. It's also the competitiveness the need to win votes to be seen as the only body in the locality doing anything about this and that.
I find it difficult personally because of this, sometimes, to become involved in a particular local activity without a voice within me saying "Am I doing this to win votes or what!" To counter this I try to ensure that whatever I get involved in is ethically sound and where my heart is - I think that's all that anyone can do. Whether you're winning votes or not is by the way really - that's my justification - sorry to sound greater than thou!
If I am to be accused of any scaremongering however it's not in the area of speeding but, I have to admit, on the incredibly important topic of climate change. Now somebody writing to the paper about this little sin of mine I'd applaud!
Something happened Tuesday last, April 7th, that has pushed my scare mongering to untold heights. None other that The Times newspaper on page 2 (leading articles column - I never thought this day would come so soon!) headlines were, 'A Sudden Chill - An ice bridge in Antartica has disappeared from the map. This is a defining moment that means the world must move much faster against climate change'
Briefly it commented on the fact that last weekend a 25 mile strip of ice believed to be stabilising the enormous Wilkins ice shelf collapsed. What's alarming to scientists is the speed of events taking place in Antartica. The ice shelves are collapsing far more rapidly than anticipated 15 years ago. Scientists such as Jim Hensen of NASA fear that predictive models of how the climate is changing could be misleading as recent evidence is showing much more rapid change with unknown consequences.
As individuals, local and larger communities we must act now to ensure that leaders at the UN summit in Copenhagen this December take the necessary dramatic action that will move away from the incredibly slow pace that world governments are progressing at on this issue. Otherwise, I believe, we leave ourselves in a very dangerous position.
A non party political group of us are hoping to arrange some events this year in Halton to highlight the issue and to look at what we can do ensure that we and our politicians are doing as much as possible to tackle the challenges that lie ahead.
For further information keep reading this blog - please!