
Friday, 17 October 2008

Save Money - Save Energy

With the recession hitting, Halton Green Party have recently published in our latest newsletter information on how to save money by saving energy. I thought it would be ueful to include it on the blog. Anybody with other ideas please comment.


Product / Yearly Savings

Cavity wall insulation /£110 (grant avail)

Combi Boiler /£100

Dish Washer ‘A’ rated /£13

Washing Machine ‘A’ rated /£5

Double Glazing /£110

Draught Proofing /£20 (grant avail)

External Wall Insulation /£250

Floor Insulation /£40

Fridge Freezer ‘A’ rated /£35

Gaps floor and skirting /£15

Hot Water Tank Jacket /£30

Internal Wall Insulation /£210

Kettle – Eco Kettle /£10

Light bulbs energy saving /£35

Loft Insulation /£140

Solar Panels /£100 (grant avail)

Television Set
Integrated digital /£6

Wind Turbine /£200

Programmable Room
thermostat /£125

“A” rated efficient windows /£167

For information on grants contact Cheshire Energy Efficiency Advice Centre on 0800 512 012.
Please note these figures do not take into account the original outlay of money spent on the products and also that some are figures provided by the manufacturers.

You can save money also by using timers on central heating, lowering thermostat by 1 degree, placing aluminium foil behind radiators, using 30 degree wash cycle, wringing out or spin dry wet washing before tumble drying, using
low temperature programme on your dishwasher, switching appliances off and not leaving on standby eg TV’s (can save up to £37 per year), switching lights off when not in use, closing curtains at dusk, installing a shower timer.

Please note all the above information is given in good faith and Halton Green Party cannot be held responsible for
any errors in relation to the estimated saving figures shown above - please check with Cheshire Energy Efficiency Advice Centre to confirm possible savings.

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Safer Streets!

Residents, Green Party members and myself recently attended a meeting with Geraldine Marchment senior trading standards officer at Halton Borough Council to discuss the setting up of a Lorry Watch pilot scheme to cover Moorfield Rd and Barrows Green Lane. These roads have a 7.5 tonne weight restriction applied to them.

Since this meeting leaflets have been distributed locally asking for people with a couple of hours to spare a week to become volunteer observers to note down HGV’s travelling on the roads concerned.

This information will be passed on to trading standards who will in turn contact the relevant hauliers. Trading Standards have the power to initiate court proceedings against offending firms but it is hoped that these firms can be persuaded to restrict HGV movements in the area without resorting to such measures.

The pilot scheme, that will operate between October and December, will hopefully determine whether there is a need for a full Lorry Watch scheme to be set up in the area.

Some training will be given.

If anyone can help ie become a volunteer observer (you don't have to live locally) please contact me on 0151 423 1692
