
Monday, 31 March 2008

Chloe the cat has returned!!

One of the most unusual requests that local Greens have had from residents recently was to be on the lookout in our wanderings in the ward for a Siamese cat answering to the name of Chloe.

The haplas catless couple requesting our assistance have been flyposting all over the place offering all sorts of rewards for the cat's safe return - if you've been out and about you can't have missed them!

I learnt today whilst out catvassing that the cat has returned quietly, by itself, not wanting any fuss and probably put in for and received the heavily publicised reward many times over.

A purfect ending - sorreee!!

HGV/Lorry Watch - latest

Just had this email from Chris Blakemore Community Support Officer updating us on what the police are doing currently re matter:

"An email has been sent out, universally, to all the businesses in the Halton View area by the Business Watch officer. So we can now keep tabs on the situation for a month and I will also keep as many visits going as I can. Speak to you over the next few weeks, Chris Blakemore 20381"

He suggests that we keep recording lorries in the area - anyone wanting 'log' forms please let us know 0151 423 1692

Saturday, 29 March 2008

Blue bins (for paper) on 'Swedish' Houses Estate

I've received an email from Catherine Unsworth, Halton Council about the blue bins (for paper) situation on the 'Swedish' houses estate (see blog on 13th March).

She has told me that although the 'Swedish' houses along Warrington Rd are provided with blue bins the remaining 'Swedish' houses are not - they are provided with blue polythene bags.

I have sent the following email to Catherine asking her to clarify the matter:

"Thanks for your email about the blue bins on the 'Swedish' houses and other local areas.

You mention that only the 'Swedish' houses along Warrington Rd are provided with blue bins - are there any moves to provide the remainder of the 'Swedish' houses with them in the near future?

I understand from residents in the 'Swedish' houses that the blue bags they are provided with are easliy lost, paper can spill out of them and often they need more bags than they are provided with.

If there aren't any plans to provide the remaining houses with blue bins I would appreciate it if you could give me the reasons why this is not possible"

Thanks again

Derek Mellor"

It's seems unfair that some residents in the area are provided with blue bins and some not.

If it's a question of funding why can't local firms be approached to provide the bins in a sponsorship way - they might appreciate putting something back into the community and the kudos that would go with it.

We'll see what the council say...

Friday, 28 March 2008

HGV's/Lorry Watch

At last night's meeting it was agreed that police would contact all local firms and hauliers to inform them of the police's determination to enforce the weight restrictions in the area.

Residents in the next 6 weeks will need to monitor the situation. I've produced a template log for people to use to note down HGV's etc observed. If you're able to help let us know - phone 0151 423 1692.

If the situation does not improve will be arranging meetings with residents, hauliers, local firms and the police to look at other ways of dealing with the problem.

I've also been in touch with Network Rail and they will get involved at a later stage if police, trading standards need to consider prosecutions

Bennett's Lane update

A meeting is being arranged at Moorfield Sports club Moorfield Rd for week commencing 31st March to discuss tactics re objecting to the appeal submitted by Velocity Health Care (a new company formed in January 2008 which has 'bought' the development from Priory (?). They are appealing against the council's refusal to provide them with a certificate of lawfulness. They need before they are able to open the unit

We'll be discussing the appropriate content for letters from residents opposing Velocity Health Care's appeal to the Planning Inspectorate so that they have maximum effect.

Although I've sent my letter already I'll be sending additional objections if appropriate following the discussion re letters at next week's meeting.

I urge everyone to attend to prepare for producing and distributing letters opposing the new company's appeal.

I'll post the date and time of the meeting as soon as I have it but you can also access the Bennetts Lane site at where you'll find all the info you need.

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

HGV's Latest

Following on from our letter to the chief con about the HGV problem had meeting with Chris Blakemore Community Support Officer today.

Chris will be contacting a few more people and will be getting their opinions about the problem and how to deal with it - there is for instance to be a meeting tomorrow evening (28/03/08 at 6.30pm) at St Ambrose church hall with the police, residents and councillors - please attend if you can.

Initial plan is for the police to contact local hauliers and Rockwoods and inform them of the problem (this includes the speeding issue). Presumably they'll be discussing practical ways of dealing with it.

Then will wait a few months to see what effect such discussions have had. Residents will need to monitor whether there have been any reductions in the incidents.

If problems continue the police will arrange further meetings with residents and hauliers and other interested parties eg Rockwoods, if possible, to see what other actions could be taken. One idea is to operate CCTV in Moorfield Rd near the entrance to Rockwoods in order to catch offending vehicles although as has been pointed out previously some of the HGV's have nothing to do with Rockwoods.

Will keep you informed about the situation at least it seems at last that the police are taking the matter seriously.

Monday, 24 March 2008

Bennett's Lane - Letter opposing Appeal

It's important that as many residents as possible oppose Priory's appeal against the decision of Halton Borough Council not to allow them to open as a medium secure mental health unit.

Below is a template letter - you could use this or modify it and send it as quickly possible to the address at the end of the letter:-

"Dear Sir

Re: APP/D0650/X/08/2068530
Proposed Medium Secure Mental Health Unit, Bennett’s Lane Widnes.

I wish to object to the proposed opening of a medium secure mental health unit at Bennets Lane Widnes and particularly regarding the complete lack of consultation in relation to its usage with residents in this area.

From its inception in 2005 until January 2007 Montpellier the developer and Priory, the provider have deliberately kept information about its end use from local residents, council members and officials. I understand that when the chief executive of the Priory Group was asked why this lack of consultation had occurred his response was that it was owing to commercial reasons.

By their actions it would seem that Montpellier and Priory consider commercial reasons/profit making as being more important than ensuring that the local community was made fully aware and consulted about the building of such a unit in Bennett’s Lane Widnes.

The decision to build this type of unit obviously impacts in many ways on individual lives in this area and it would seem incumbent on Montpellier and Priory that they should have involved residents, members and officials at the earliest stages in the planning of such a venture.

Yours faithfully,"

Send to

Planning Inspectorate
Room 3/02, Kite Wing
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Temple Quay
Bristol BDS16PN

Sunday, 23 March 2008

Bennetts Lane - latest

Just heard that Priory informed the council that they'd put in an appeal on 6th March.
Residents received a letter from the council confirming this on the 19th March

As the issue is now in the hands of the planning inspectorate and we have approximately four weeks left to appeal its vital that people write now to the inspectorate setting down their reasons for objecting to the proposal.

If you need help regarding this give us a ring 0151 423 1692

Please quote planning reference - APP/D0650/X/08/2068530

The address is:

Planning Inspectorate
Room 3/02 Kite Wing
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Temple Quay
Bristol BS1 6PN

Friday, 21 March 2008

Medium Secure Mental Health facility back on the agenda

Learnt last night that Priory have appealed against Halton Council's decision not to give them the go ahead to open the centre.

The Bennett's Lane facility has been ready to start operations for several months. I think most people not in the know myself included (not being a councillor!!) taking on board press comments and the local Labour party's apparent determination to resist Priory's moves to open the centre considered that it was not going to go ahead and Priory were looking for alternative uses. In fact the most recent Labour leaflet suggested that Priory education were interested and had been in contact with the council.

However on the last week that appeals could be taken ie w.c. March 17th they have decided to take the plunge.

I'm unsure of the councils response as an appeal would seem to be a costly affair.

Certainly the Halton View Action group who were one of the main players involved in blocking the scheme will be having talks with the council which will include I assume David Parr and Rob Polhill this next week

I'll try to keep you posted about the issue


Thursday, 20 March 2008

HGV's - waiting for police action/ Spot a HGV Action?

Have not yet been contacted by local police re matter of HGV's. The Chief' con (?) wrote to me on 28th Feb stating that the matter would be passed to Insp Nadia Brew who would contact me but have heard nothing to date. I wonder if I'd been a councillor would action have been swifter - maybe not!

Will be writing again to chief con.

In the meantime we are compiling a dosier of HGV's spotted on Moorfield Rd, Barrows Green Lane etc. If you see any try to get the firm's name and registration number - even if you don't still let us know. 0151 423 1692 or email

Thursday, 13 March 2008

Where have all the blue bins gone?

A resident approached me today (13.3.08) about the fact that there were no bins on the Swedish Houses area for recycling paper waste.

I've emailed Halton Borough Council to find out about the current situation and if there are any plans to provide blue bins in the near future.

This is the message I've sent:

'I understand there are no blue bins for waste paper available on the Swedish Houses area.
What facilities are available in this area re waste paper collection?
Are blue bins going to be provided in the near future? '

I'll let you have their response as soon as I receive it

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Incinerator Ince Marshes Frodsham

The Public Inquiry for the Ince Marsh incinerator is due to open on Tuesday 15th April and close on Thursday 29th May at The Forest Hills Hotel Frodsham. There will be a public consultation meeting on Wednesday 14th May between 7:00pm and 9:00pm at the Forest Hills Hotel Frodsham. Anyone who wishes to speak at this meeting should register with Jane Coslett on 01244 973931 or e-mail

This incinerator's emissions will fall within a ten mile radius and will therefore include all of Halton. This of course is in an area which boasts the highest tonnage and widest range of chemicals emitted in England and Wales. Up to 60% of these current emissions are carcinogenic (cancer promoting). Halton also has one of the highest rates of cancer incidence in the country and although there is to date no conclusive evidence of a direct environmental causal link to cancer in Halton, a 2003 study, commisioned by the borough, suggested that the precautionary principle should be applied when considering all industrial developments because of the existing pollution problems in the area.

The incinerator at Ince Marshes, if built, will have very fine filters. Recent research indicates that the body is more susceptible to such finely filtered emissions (they're able to penetrate deeply into organs) and advises caution on the building of such units.

The proposed incinerator is one of 22 energy from heat incinerators (EFH) that are being considered in the UK. Apparantly the production of energy in EFH's is very inefficient around 10%.

Ince Marshes is one of 4 local incinerators planned which if built will add to air quality problems in Halton. Apart from the Ince Marshes one, the proposed Ineos Chlor EFH at Weston Point Runcorn is currently being considered by the sec of state for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (B.E.R.R) after being accepted by Halton Council's planning committee!

There are much 'greener' labour intensive alternatives to this sort of recyling at about the same costs which are currently up and running in various parts of the country eg Preston area.

To object to the Weston Point proposal write to the Sec of State Dept of B.E.R.R, Bay 2121, 1 Victoria St., London SW1H0ET and written objections regarding the Ince Marshes site should be sent to Waste and Planning Services Backford Hall Backford Cheshire CH1 6PX)

We need a good attendance at the Forest Hills Hotel meeting on the 14th May to show the extent of the opposition to the proposed plans for Ince Marshes. Please be there if you can! For further information contact Halton Green Party 0151 423 1692

Sunday, 9 March 2008

Overhanging branches on property

If you have overhanging branches on your property caused by trees, bushes etc which are on council owned land just phone the council on 0151 424 2061 and report the matter to them. They have a responsibility to assess the problem and take necessary action.

A resident on Shelton Close approached us about overhanging branches from trees on Weates Close recently and following our contact with the council they have cut offending branches back.

If you have problems over the issue give us a ring on 0151 423 1692

Saturday, 8 March 2008

No 2 Grandson Born

Our second grandson was born at 5pm on the 6th March weighing in at nearly 6lbs (2 weeks early). A beautiful beautiful boy!!

He's another reason to vote Green, honestly,

No. three grandson due next week.


Thursday, 6 March 2008

What it's all about!!

This weekend and nextweek our family will be welcoming two new babies, please God. My daughters Clare and Rachel are due to deliver, Rachel over this weekend and Clare possibly next week.

It's a busy and joyful time with much laughter and tears. It got me thinking about the time I'm spending working for the Green Party. Shouldn't I be devoting more time to my family - of course a big, big whopping yes!

But the time left over...well its got to be for me, considering our babies futures and all the other babies futures that are going to be born over the next weeks months years - if I don't try to do something now, no matter how little, about the massive issues of climate change, excessive consummerism and linked third world poverty, I feel I will be failing the next generation and generations to come (or not to come). This statement you might consider is steeped in sensationalism but it seems to me we haven't grasped yet the seriousness of the problems we're facing - we continue to live in a phooney war situation.

Why the Green Party? What about Green Peace, Oxfam, Cafod etc. Well I believe that real change can only come about through political pressure and I consider the best way to achieve this is by sending a clear message to the other parties, government etc through people voting Green that climate change has got to be the number one priority. When their votes are effected thats when the real facing up to the challenges will start!
Back to the babies please keep reading this blog to find out - I promise there'll be much less soap boxing!!

Saturday, 1 March 2008

HGV saga...

The police will be getting in contact shortly in relation to the problems being encountered with HGV's on Moorfield Rd and Barrows Green Lane Widnes.

If you want to add your comments about HGV's in the area especially if you have details of the particular HGV incident you observed eg dates and times that'll be great.

Just contact us on 0151 423 1692.



P.B .Watch this blog to see if police can assist and for further updates re this issue