Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Bold Heath Quarry - update
The news isn't good as the scheme was not turned down on a majority vote as it was on the last occasion but councillors have opted for a site visit before making a decision.
The Bold Heath Residents group need to obtain professional consultancy advice if they're to be as effective as they are able to be in stopping the development. I don't think that St Helens council will consider an appeals route if it's not seen as being viable
I give a brief outline of what I think transpired at the meeting:
The developer has applied for planning permission several times in the past but has been turned down mainly on the grounds of ambiguities in the application details (ie insufficient infill material available during the time scale of operations) and on health grounds. The proposal includes the quarrying of sandstone to a certain depth and the infilling with waste building material. The developer has had previous permission to quarry on this site.
Opponents have argued on grounds of increase traffic, pollution noise and health issues (silicone dust) and water table problems in relation to the quarry being used as landfill site.
At other attempts in the past the developer has not been able to prove that there would be sufficient infill as mentioned above. However according to council officials advising the meeting the regional Waste DPD plan is indicating the need for more landfill space for inert material (do images of the second crossing come to mind!)
One of the main arguments used by opponents in the past has been the dust issue. There is a potential for crystaline silica dust, if unchecked, to be spread widely in the area. Inhalation of such dust can cause silicosis a health condition which is of course irreversible.
Ironically, officials argued that the provisions attached to the present permission that the developer had does not have the level of safety checks and enforcement re the dust that the current proposal has. Thus voting against the proposal would mean that the existing permission that the developers have would have fewer safegaurds than the proposal currently before the committee. (The quarry however has not been worked for some time)
In their arguments opponents discussed the situation in the local geographical area in relation to airborne pollutants and the relative poor health of residents in the wider St Helens and Halton communities although no direct causal inferences were expressed.
However recent reports had indicated the need for a precautionary approach with regard to any future activity which would increase the possibility of increased pollution. (e.g. a study of people's health in Halton 2001 suggested that,’… whilst monitored levels of pollutants meet national standards knowledge of impact of long term exposure to low levels of pollution from airborne and land contaminants is limited. Based on the precautionary principle it is sensible to both monitor pollution levels carefully and to seek cost effective ways to continue to reduce them to the lowest practicable levels”. Halton Health Study Lancaster University 2001p8)
Notwithstanding these arguments an officer from planning stated that the standards set by the St Helens authority re air quality in the Bold Heath area is not being exceeded!!
The argument in relation to seepage into the water table of toxins from landfilling material even inert material when mixed with existing contamination in adjacent agriculutural land was countered by officials who talked about the EA's ongoing monitoring of this problem.
At least one councillor wondered whether any 'health advice' could be provided regarding the particular issue of airborne pollution. This was not specifically responded to by officers.
If you are able to offer support to the Bold Residents Group in any way please let me know.
Sunday, 7 December 2008
I Should Have Gone Yesterday!
The EU is currently discussing proposals regarding tackling the issue but it has faltered in a couple of vital areas mainly through member states self interest (see
The EU situation of course is reflected in the positions we take as individuals - what's important for us is today, next week, next month, next year and how are we going to exist financially as the credit crunch finally starts biting. And if we consume less what's going to happen to the economy?
But, and it's easy for me to say this as I'm relatively well off, it's possible to tackle the challenge at whatever level we are able to. The state has a massive role to play eg developing a 'green' economy but we as individuals can also do a lot. (See this blog 117/10/08) And the good thing is there are many positives in the process of individuals saving energy,saving money.
It's not just in the area of financial benefits though. The situation that we find ourselves in pushes us to reconsider our values. Is there a need to buy this, can we do that another way? In this new mindset there’s a possibility that we’re entering into a more creative style of living. We’re not being carried along by consumerist society so much as being more in control and reaping the benefits of self assertedness.
Are these living in a daydream grand words? We’re going to find it hard. Aren’t we comfortable in doing what we’re doing? Change can be painful but do we have a choice?
I should have gone yesterday!
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Bennett's Lane Secure Unit given the go ahead!
Although this decision was anticipated it will still be a big disappointment for residents in the area who fought long and hard to have the project changed.
There is an obvious need for these units, although I wonder about private sector involvement, but I would question a unit being built in such close proximity to a residential area and also the way the developers went about pursuing the proposal.
The other issue is the apparant lack of scrutiny that all members of the three main parties on the development and planning committee seemed to exercise.
In hindsight it's difficult to know whether greater scrutiny would have achieved a different result although we know in other areas were similar projects were on the cards such scrutiny prevented some of these developments.
One of the plusses which has occurred over the past eighteen months or so in relation to this issue is how it has brought residents together. It has shown that, with determination ordinary people can question effectively developments which are considered to be impacting on their lives.
In this case unfortunately the odds were stacked up against Halton View residents although they did hold up the opening of the unit for over 12 months.
Now its important that with the unit up and running that residents can be assured that it is as secure as it needs to be.
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Fed Up With being Dumped On?
Residents have successfully challenged this over the last few years but the developers have, once again, put in another proposal.
If it goes ahead not only will it mean all sorts of possible harmful emissions in the locality, possible effects on water table, dust and noise nuisance but also increase the number of HGV's in an area which is already inundated with such vehicles (see other blogs re this subject).
You can help by contacting the councillors on the planning committee in St Helens and letting them know of your objection. Also it would show local strength of feeling against the proposal if you could attend the committee meeting on the 9th.
With all the suspect developments taking place in this area residents have a perception that they are constantly being dumped on with proposals that very few communities would accept. This is not so much nimbyism but fudoism - fed up with being dumped on!
Don't just think it, do something about it!
If you are able to help in any way please let us know and amongst other things we can tell you which councillors to contact and sort out travelling arrangements if you can attend the meeting - phone Derek 0151 423 1692
Friday, 17 October 2008
Save Money - Save Energy
Product / Yearly Savings
Cavity wall insulation /£110 (grant avail)
Combi Boiler /£100
Dish Washer ‘A’ rated /£13
Washing Machine ‘A’ rated /£5
Double Glazing /£110
Draught Proofing /£20 (grant avail)
External Wall Insulation /£250
Floor Insulation /£40
Fridge Freezer ‘A’ rated /£35
Gaps floor and skirting /£15
Hot Water Tank Jacket /£30
Internal Wall Insulation /£210
Kettle – Eco Kettle /£10
Light bulbs energy saving /£35
Loft Insulation /£140
Solar Panels /£100 (grant avail)
Television Set
Integrated digital /£6
Wind Turbine /£200
Programmable Room
thermostat /£125
“A” rated efficient windows /£167
For information on grants contact Cheshire Energy Efficiency Advice Centre on 0800 512 012.
Please note these figures do not take into account the original outlay of money spent on the products and also that some are figures provided by the manufacturers.
You can save money also by using timers on central heating, lowering thermostat by 1 degree, placing aluminium foil behind radiators, using 30 degree wash cycle, wringing out or spin dry wet washing before tumble drying, using
low temperature programme on your dishwasher, switching appliances off and not leaving on standby eg TV’s (can save up to £37 per year), switching lights off when not in use, closing curtains at dusk, installing a shower timer.
Please note all the above information is given in good faith and Halton Green Party cannot be held responsible for
any errors in relation to the estimated saving figures shown above - please check with Cheshire Energy Efficiency Advice Centre to confirm possible savings.
Thursday, 2 October 2008
Safer Streets!
Since this meeting leaflets have been distributed locally asking for people with a couple of hours to spare a week to become volunteer observers to note down HGV’s travelling on the roads concerned.
This information will be passed on to trading standards who will in turn contact the relevant hauliers. Trading Standards have the power to initiate court proceedings against offending firms but it is hoped that these firms can be persuaded to restrict HGV movements in the area without resorting to such measures.
The pilot scheme, that will operate between October and December, will hopefully determine whether there is a need for a full Lorry Watch scheme to be set up in the area.
Some training will be given.
If anyone can help ie become a volunteer observer (you don't have to live locally) please contact me on 0151 423 1692
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Quarries and Green Belts!
D Morgan has put in another planning application to extract over 1 million cubic metres of sand/sandstone from Bold Heath Quarry and replace with demolition and excavation materials (ie landfill).
Halton Greens have opposed this application because of: pollution - noise and dust; water table pollution issues; heavy traffic increase in an area bursting at the seams with such; methane emissions (effects re climate change;) and inconclusive research indicating problems re foetal development in local areas where landfill sites are sited.
Please send your objections to Melanie Hale c/o Town Planning Town Hall, Victoria Square St Helens, Merseyside WA10 1HP (Closing date 30th September)The application number is P/2008/0914
If you want a template letter please phone 0151 423 1692
Green Belt Pex Hill
There is a possibility that there will be an application to build 300 houses on green belt land in Cronton. If you're concerned please attend the meeting that's been arranged at the Fords Club behind the Hillcrest Hotel Cronton on Tuesday 30th September at 7pm
Friday, 12 September 2008
Bus Service to be axed and an iconic bridge
They're justifying this by saying that the service is uneconomic with passenger numbers dropping.
Such a decision at a time when we ought to be encouraging public transport use, owing to issues such as climate change and ever rising fuel prices which will inevitably drive people out of their cars, seems extremely short sighted.
The hundreds of thousands of pounds spent by this council on promoting the second mersey crossing and the hundreds of millions to be spent on the bridge if the project goes ahead would be better spent on ensuring the development of cheap and efficient local public transport systems.
Local residents would be more likely to gain socially and economically from such developments than an iconic bridge were most of the traffic will be through traffic.
Thursday, 4 September 2008
Lorries in Halton View area
So later in the month we will be contacting Halton Trading Standards to organise a Lorry Watch pilot scheme (hopefully covering at least BG Lane and Mmoorfield Rd).
Residents will be notified about the scheme and there'll be a request for volunteers.
If you'd like to be involved in the planning of the scheme please let me know. All are welcome!
Phone: 0151 423 16921
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Lorry Watch - latest
They'll be using systems already developed in other parts of the country although there will be some fine tuning of it to fit in with local conditions.
Halton Green Party will be funding the start up of the programme (ie providing leaflets) but after the pilot it's hoped that the Area Forum will financially back the scheme if it proves successful and there is sufficient community support.
In the meantime I'm going to contact Network Rail (as two railway bridges are on the routes the scheme will cover) to see if they might be able to cough up some funding.
Off to Wales for the next couple of weeks so probably this will be the last blog until end of August.
Happy holidays if your lucky enough to be able to get away!!
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
Bennetts Lane update
Possible points to use in your letter/email:
Re: Application no. 08/00367/COU
Proposed medium and low secure Mental Health unit Meadow Lane Bennett’s Lane Widnes WA8 0GT.
Re: Application no. 08/00368/COU
Proposed low secure Mental Health unit Meadow lane Bennetts Lane Widnes
The lack of consultation by Montpellier, Priory and currently Velocity Care with residents in the area in relation to the units usage.
From its inception in 2005 until January 2007 Montpellier the developer and the then care partner Priory, the provider have deliberately kept information about its end use from local residents, council members and officials. I understand that when the chief executive of the Priory Group was asked why this lack of consultation had occurred his response was that it was owing to commercial reasons.
By their actions it would seem that Montpellier, Priory, and the current applicant Velocity Care consider commercial reasons/profit making as being more important than ensuring that the local community was made fully aware and consulted about the building of such a unit in Bennett’s Lane Widnes.
Velocity Care appears to be continuing this trend of not being open and honest re the end use of the unit. Recently they have sent material out to residents which is misleading in that it does not specify the type of patients that will be treated at the unit. It would also seem to be the case that there is some doubt that Velocity Care will actually be operating the facility if the application is successful. This fact of not really knowing who the end provider is going to be, does not inspire confidence amongst residents about the development.
The siting of any care facility at Bennetts Lane is inappropriate owing to its position within the confines of a Control of Major Accidents Hazards (COMAH) Regulations 1999 regulated area. This is particularly the case in relation to a secure unit when, given a major incident which necessitated the evacuation of patients, there would be obvious security issues.
Bennett’s Lane is sited within close proximity to an area which includes young families. Residents have been and continue to be affected by anxiety regarding the possible end use of the care facility. Initially following the original decision for the site to be developed as a care unit people were concerned that it was going to become a drug rehabilitation unit and then assurances were given that this was not the case. Following this, for a period of time, there were many rumours circulating about its use and anxiety levels among residents continued to be high.
Given this background and the fact that residents are now fully aware of the proposed end use of this facility ie C2a, anxiety and concern will continue to be experienced by residents living close to the unit and this should be viewed as a material planning consideration. It is obvious that there is a need for such units but it would seem that to operate one so close to a residential area is not appropriate.
Velocity Care’s view about the need for this unit being related to regional demands appears to be at odds with the Five Boroughs Strategic Health Partnership's (local health planning agency) position whose view is that such a proposed unit is unnecessary.
These are just some ideas - all objections will be considered given that they are reasonable and realistic.
Address to write to:
Planning and Policy Manager
Environmental and Regulatory Services Dept
Rutland House, Halton Lea, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 2GW
Hopefully planning committee councillors will reject both applications - but it will be important to contact/lobby councillors on this committee - names and phone nos can be obtained from members services section at Halton Borough Council (0151 424 2061)
Its a shame that it has come to this - Firstly the planning committee consisting of members from all parties should never have agreed to the site being used for a care facility in the first place if this was at all possible.
Secondly more digging for information should have taken place at the beginning when Montpellier and Priory were not coming clean about its end use. It seems that in other local authority areas there was greater questioning of Montpellier's and Priory's motives and that consequently planning permission was refused right from the word go.
Monday, 14 July 2008
UK Anti Incineration Petition
Such incineratos mean more dangerous toxins being released in an area already overpopulated with dangerous chemical emissions.
It's important that as many people express their objections to any efw incinerators whereever sited. This is particularly the case when there are now other recylcing systems which do not rely on incineration which are able to deal with house hold waste and are marginally more cost effective than incinerators.
If you want to object log on to the PM's website http:/
Thursday, 10 July 2008
Bennetts Lane Unit - have we been here before?
There is to be a meeting at Moorfield Sports and Social club Moorfield Rd on Monday14th July at 7pm to find out more about the situation and discuss what we can do as individuals and as a community re objecting to the new proposals.
Obviously the more residents attending the better as it will send out a signal to the council and Velocity Healthcare that the vast majority of residents continue to be opposed to the development. Please try to make it!
The Green Party's position is that although there is an obvious need for such units its inappropriate that any sort of care unit should be operating on the site at Bennetts Lane because of its proximity to chemical plants. The original decision by the council to allow such a development there of any sort of care facility was to say the least questionnable.
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Halton Greens position on proposed 2mx
Local Greens oppose the current application on the following
Proponents of the project suggest that the proposed second crossing will bring economic benefits to residents in Halton. Research indicates that the economic advantages of road/bridge developments in relation to local areas is debatable (See Roads Jobs and the Economy Eco Logic Ltd 1994 Professor John Whitelegg). Also the Standing and Advisory Committee on Trunk Road Assessment on considering the economic advantages of a range of bridges and roads concluded that “The state of the art of this important field is poorly developed and the results do not offer convincing general evidence of the size, nature or direction of local economic impacts”. (para 11 p7 in ‘Transport and the Economy Standing Committee, Standing Advisory Committee on Trunk Road Assessment’ DETR 1999).
Halton has some of the worst health and mortality rates in the country. Reports have identified a heavy pollution load and a heritage of contaminated land, air and water from many chemical industries which have grown up over the last 150 years. This project will disturb contaminated sediments in the river and this could risk aggravating the health problems of residents in Halton.
Proponents of the new bridge argue that air borne pollution in Halton will be reduced because of less peak time congestion. However the short term gains of a reduction in traffic at peak times will be outweighed by the estimated 40% increase in traffic in the area. This will have an impact on the state of health in Halton which currently has one of the highest rates of lung disease in the country
The argument that a second Mersey crossing will reduce congestion is questionable. There is evidence to support the fact that the building of more roads does not affect congestion. A good example of this is the M6 motorway where congestion is increasing when experts considered that the new toll road extension would reduce the problem. Experience shows that if you build more roads (bridges) traffic increases in the area in which you build them and congestion,relatively,does not decrease in the longer term. Research in the United States shows that for every 10% increase in ‘lane’ mile capacity there is a potential for a corresponding 9% increase in traffic. (see Also the idea that congestion will disappear if the proposed second crossing goes ahead is a myth. Any major incident on any of the Mersey crossings would affect traffic flow in the area.
A second crossing will generate more traffic which in turn will increase the volume of Co2 emissions and aggravate climate change problems. This is at a time when public policy is being directed towards reducing carbon emissions. If the government is seriously committed to meeting the targets set by the Kyoto agreement schemes like the second Mersey crossing need to be scrutinised in the light of this.
Conversely if future impacts of climate change require a reduction in road and air traffic, a scheme of this size and nature would effectively be reduced to the status of a very costly white elephant
Measures taken to reduce traffic over the Silver Jubilee Bridge have been few and half hearted and little imagination has been employed in considering options. Halton Borough Council has not looked at reducing traffic over the bridge except by means of public transport and has admitted the council could have done more in this respect. The council could have considered tolling the Silver Jubilee Bridge at peak times, remove signage on the M6 motorway which directs regional traffic over Silver Jubilee Bridge, implement school and business transport plans, improve public transport including light rail on Britannia Bridge, beef up car share schemes, encourage firms to provide ‘work at home days’ for employees using bridge etc
Costs of project - the estimated costs of the project has gone up recently from £390m to £561m. There are lessons to be learnt from Public Finance Initiatives in terms of escalating costs, responsibilities for maintenance expenditure and compensation/mitigation costs. If any aspect of funding present or future fails the resulting strain on local taxpayers and national Government will be incalculable.
The project will detrimentally affect residents living particularly in the Astmoor area of Runcorn where the elevated approach roads in places are to be sited within 100 yards of housing. The crossing itself will bring no immediate benefit to the local residents and the resulting extra pollution load (air quality, light, noise etc) will add to the social, health and environmental deprivation of the local area.
If you oppose the Mersey Gateway Planning application write to:
Environmental and Regulatory Services, Halton Borough Council, Rutland House Halton Lea Runcorn WA7 2GW
Monday, 23 June 2008
HGV's Barrows Green Lane - developments
"I have emailed the council who originally stated that the council may possibly be able to do some observations under the Lorry Watch Idea without any bias. I have emailed them again today just to confirm this and also to mention that i would like the residents to remain a large part of the Lorry Watch also...
Our Road Policing Unit have paid some more attention to Barrows Green Lane and Moorfield Road in recent weeks and it seems either people are aware that they are there or the problems have not been as bad recently because after recieving an email from our RPU Liason officer she states that no tickets or warnings had been issued for any offences".
I must say that the area has been a little quiter of late but maybe I've not been around as much. Can any one else comment on this?
The police are wanting to know if anyone in Barrows Green Lane is interested in getting involved in a lorry watch scheme - so if there's any one out there who would be prepared to help (reporting incidents of HGV's on the road) please let us know!
Although it will be better if we get the full support of the council and police there's no reason why we couldn't set the scheme up ourselves if this doesn't work out.
Saturday, 14 June 2008
Pedestrian Crossing Marzahn Way
The council have replied stating that they do not have plans for crossing facilities at that point and suggest that residents walk up Denton Street and access the crossing at Marzahn Way/Albert Road junction - this obviously means walking a longer distance.
I have suggested to residents in the area that if they want to pursue the matter that they need as individuals to write in to the council and also to get a petition up. I said I'd assist if necessary.
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
HGV's very latest!!
No specific action by the police has taken place in relation to the info we've sent them. I did provide CPO with photographic evidence re one incident and the police will be following this up
Jamie has emailed the Road Policing Unit covering Warrington Widnes etc re the problems being experienced - police to have a 'floating presence' in the area ie visible sign of police car - it is hoped that this could occur at least once a week and might deter HGV drivers from using Moorfield Rd and Barrows Green Lane.
Following meetings with some of the ward councillors - council to look at providing better and more road signs re weight restrictions.
I mentioned to Jamie about Lorry Watch schemes particularly in Cambridgeshire and Sussex. In most areas where Lorry Watch schemes have been set up the reported incidents of HGV use of weight restricted routes is followed up by Trading Standards. Halton BC does not have a trading standards section this is dealt with at Warrington. Jamie and Chris to check up whether Trading standards in Warringtion have a responsibilty for pursuing reported incidents in Widnes.
Jamie mentioned about discussions he'd had at Halton View Action Group re speeding and the possiblity of residents setting up a community Speed Watch - some residents didn't feel too happy with the idea not wanting to get involved and seeing the role as primarly a police one. Also the speed bumps issue seems to be a none goer due to lack of support from residents. Discussed possiblity of speed cameras but they are very expensive and there is a tendency for drivers to speed up after going through a camera controlled zone.
I suggested if possible we formalise a Lorry Watch in Barrows Green Lane and Moorfield Rd. It would be necessary to leaflet residents in the area to ask if anybody would be interested in keeping an eye on HGV movement and recording incidents which would then be forwarded to coordinators. The coordinators would then send info on to police etc. Residents would need to be able to identify HGV vehicles some simple learning input might be required here(?) - Jamie to discuss formalising a Lorry Watch scheme with his managers.
It would be important to involve hauliers as much as possible in this proccess so that they would not feel they were being hounded and so that they could work with us to improve the situation. Surrey Trading Standards operates in this way.
Jamie to contact following discussions with his managers WATCH this space!!??
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
HGV - Latest!
Whether this is going to happen will depend on whether there would be sufficient support for the proposal from residents.
I have looked at some evidence re the effectiveness of traffic calming on stopping HGV's using certain routes and it doesn't indicate that such measures are particularly useful. HGV's are obviously slowed down but continue to use these routes. So I would question the use of speed bumps as an answer to the problem.
The other issue would be Moorfield Rd which also has a weight restriction - whatever measures are implented for Barrows Green Lane would also need to be used in Moorfield Rd in order that traffic is not diverted to that road.
I'm hoping to see the CSO's in the next few days - I want to know how they view the effectiveness of their recent actions, eg contacting hauliers that have been using Barrows Green Lane - our surveys indicate that problems continue. Also will be discussing any other ideas they have re dealing with the problem. I've been looking at what other local authorities are doing and want to discuss this with the police
It looks like all the recent activities of local residents are paying off - it certainly seems that we're getting some action at last, lets just hope it's effective!
If anyone wants to be present at our meeting with the police please let us know.
Tel 0151 423 1692
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Recycling Fridges and Furniture!
Retailers of course will usually take your old one for disposal but in some cases this is not possible.
Apparantly the council do not provide a free service although I understand some councils do. However the British Heart Foundation in St Helens will offer a free collection and recycling service for working white appliances and three piece suites which have the normal sefety label attached.
This service is available to anybody who has an item for disposal that's in a reasonable condition.
I've emailed Halton council's Direct Link to suggest that they let people know of this service.
To contact the British Heart Foundation in St Helens phone them on 08444994171
Saturday, 17 May 2008
Fencing and Housing Trusts!
This persons garden has become an area for the dumping of cans etc and occasionally a meeting place for young people. The property belongs to Halton Housing Trust and they will normally only repair fencing and not replace it.
So the residents have a dilemma it hasn't been their fault; they are genuinely unable to do anything about the situation and can't afford to reinstate the fence.
I've been in touch with the Housing Trust to see if anything can be done - if any one has a similar problem please let us know.
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Video Survey HGV traffic Barrows Green
To add to the evidence we've been collecting over the past six weeks on HGV movements in the area we are hopefully going to carry out a video survey on Friday 9th May for a period of approximately 6 hours to add to the information we've already collected.
This will be used in various ways to make the strongest case for the police and council to act to reduce if not completely halt HGV movements in the area.
In order to corroborate the video survey it would be useful for as many people in the area to record on forms we are using HGV movements on the 9th particularly from 0930 to 1600.
If you can help please contact 423 1692.
Friday, 2 May 2008
Greens close the gap in Halton View ward!
We finished a close second to Labour with only 130 votes separating us. To give you some idea of how close we are, given current voting patterns only 66 more votes at the next election from Labour voters would secure a seat in Halton View ward!!
I'm sure, on this years results, that we stand an extremely good chance of taking the seat at the next election in 2010. I'm equally sure that having Green representation on the council will be really beneficial to the area.
Again thanks for all those voting Green and for those who didn't and want to see the possibilty of real positive change in Halton please consider voting Green next time round.
Monday, 28 April 2008
Unfair recycling charges?
Although they had been able to transport a freezer themselves to Johnsons Lane Recycling Centre, with some difficulty, they were concerned about pensioners and others on low incomes who didn't have access to a car.
It's free to drop items off but if you ask the council to collect there's a charge of up to £20 for a large item. People on low incomes often don't have access to cars etc and might find it difficult to meet such charges.
Its important that white goods etc are disposed of correctly and properly recycled and obviously we're not helping matters if we make it difficult for people to recycle.
So I sent the council an email asking them what the current situation was regarding collection charges:
"I am emailing to find out what the current situation is regarding charges for collecting freezers and fridges and other large domestic appliances for recycling.
I understand pensioners and those on low incomes, presumably like other people, are being charged up to £20 for items collected.
This seems unfair as they are less likely to have transport, when there would be no charge involved, to take these large items to recycling centres such as the one at Johnsons's Lane.
These charges could make people consider fly tipping which is obviously something we would want to avoid.
Are there any concessions for people on low incomes?
I'd be grateful for any help you could give re this matter".
If you've had similar difficulties please let us know and keep checking this blog to find out the council's response!
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Spinning and things!
But unfortunately there are varying degrees of spin.
For instance another party in their election material have stated that the Greens have neglected calling for a public inquiry over the Ineos Chlor incinerator
The 'truth' is that we've been actively campaigning against the Ineos Chlor and Ince Marshes incinerators and the proposal for an incinerator on the Liverpool side of the Mersey for two years.
We have sent in written objections to both proposals to the government body concerned. In our newsletters we have been publishing information about who people should send their objections to and providing assistance regarding writing these objections.
I have attended most of the Runcorn Ineos Chlor meetings and have spoken at one of them.
I am also speaking at the public inquiry on the Ince Marshes incinerator in May.
As I said there are varying degrees of spin!
Friday, 25 April 2008
Blue Bin Saga
I have asked whether the remaining houses will be getting theirs in the near future but have not yet recieved a reply.
Yesterday a couple of people in Frank St mentioned that they also have not yet got these so will contact Council again and ask about which areas are not covered and when and if they are to be supplied with the bins
Please let us know if you are effected.
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Dropped kerbs in Bellhouse Rd and the invisible white line!
The other dropped kerb in Bell House Rd has the white line painted already adjacent to it but the council have not completed the one on the other kerb.
Residents have been complaining about the issue for some time and so I've emailed the council asking for their comments:
"I am emailing you about the dropped kerbs in Bell House Rd Widnes.
One of the dropped kerbs has not yet been painted with a no parking white line.
I understand this is causing some problems for wheelchair users in the area as cars occasionally will park adjacent to the dropped kerb and cause an obstruction.
Could you tell me whether the council is intending to paint this no parking white line in the near future?
Thankyou for your help regarding this matter".
If anyone you know is having similar problems please contact us on 0151 423 1692
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Controlled road crossing Marzahn Way Widnes
Also there have been problems related to youths throwing objects from the bridge onto the by pass
I've contacted the council about the issue and have sent the following email to them:
" I am writing about the footbridge on Page Lane Widnes which leads on to a footpath leading to Marzahn Way and a paedestrian crossing point there.
Crossing at this point is quite dangerous owing to the speed of the traffic.
Would it be possible to site a light controlled crossing there?
I understand that the paedestrian footbridge and path to Marzahn Way which leads to the main shopping Centre is used particularly by older people on Bell House Rd and residents in Page Lane,Frank Street and St Ambrose Rd.
To get across Marzahn Way safely for people living in this area means they have to make a longer walk over Halton View bridge and use a contolled crossing at the other end of Marzahn Way.
Also the paedestrian bridge is reknown in the area re young people throwing objects onto the by - pass. Are there any plans for this to be covered?
I would be grateful for any assistance you can give me in relation to these matters".
If any other residents feel strongly about this please let me know (0151 423 1692)
I'll let you know the council's response
Monday, 21 April 2008
Let your imagination run riot!
It was a rare occurrence to receive a leaflet and only two parties had been contesting the seat for a few years before 2004.
It seems that we have made party politics in the area much more competitive.The Labour group’s presence has been more noticeable at residents meetings and there have been several improvements in the ward like traffic calming measures, slow down traffic signals (although unsure about the effectiveness of these) along with other street furniture and certain ‘green’ measures.
It seems that councillors are really wanting to appear attuned to the communities needs much more than previously. It could be that government initiatives have something to do with this but often these anyway are linked to popular policies being pushed by parties like the Green Party and taken up by the government.
It’s surprising then what you can do for local democracy without holding a council seat – just think what might happen if the Greens had representation on the council – I suggest that you really let your imagination take over!
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Green Party TV broadcast tonight!
We've been out on Halton View ward delivering leaflets advertising the broadcast.
Hope the leaflet drop will be useful - often get questioned about policies the Green party has apart from environmental ones and people are surprised about the range of policy the Greens actually have.
Rather tired now been out for about 9 hours - please watch the broadcast!
Saturday, 12 April 2008
Thanks for the feat Rosemary!!
Well it was a case of the campaign suffering - but along came the green goddess who is normally a physio and has saved the day.
We're currently negotiating the rights of a big toe epic which might appear on You Tube - keep watching!!
Really a big thanks Rosemary
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Bennetts Lane
It would seem that all residents objections have been forwarded to the inspectorate and unless anybody has any new arguments against the appeal then it would be a waste of time sending these in.
Also it seems that the sheer numbers of objections would not necessarily have any effect on the decision of the inspectorate. They were more concerned about the legalities in the process of the refusal of planning permission by the council than any other issue.
There was some discussion about the Halton View Action Group sending in a letter on behalf of residents reiterating all the points objecting to the unit and this presumably is going to be followed up.
Rob Polhill was at pains to state that he thought the council had a good case. However he admitted at the end of the day if the Priory/Montpellier appeal was upheld the council would only go ahead with appealing against this decision on points of law if thier barristers advised them that they had good grounds for mounting such an appeal.
It's unfortunate that planning permission was given in the first place to a care unit on the site by Rob Polhill and all party members of the planning committee - it really is an inappropriate setting for any care facility owing to its siting in a COMA area near to dangerous chemical factories. The Green Party would certainly have raised objections to such a development if it had been represented on the council at the time.
Monday, 7 April 2008
The disadvantaged and anti social youth - our challenge!
It got me thinking how lucky I am to have this and so much more... - so many can't and don't have a chance.
Then I caught the news about a high court judge last week openly saying family breakdown is potentially more of a challenge than climate change in terms of the stability of our society.
How do we respond - we need to become more aware of the plight of families in our community who are suffering from breakdown and understand the many factors that create the disadvantages which effect them and seeing the challenges they face as our challenges.
The danger is to reject them as neighbours, to dehumanise them, to erect the barricades. Its easy to understand why we do this but are we actually making things any better?
Yes of course we must strive to make our community a safer place by improving the effectiveness of policing (like the successful 101 police call system being piloted in a number of areas of the country) but we must also consider the root causes of things like anti social behaviour and as a community respond positively to these.
Perhaps local residents groups should consider setting up liaison meetings with the police, youth workers, churches and other interested groups to work together not only to consider the security of our community but also what we as communities can do to lessen the burden of disadvantaged young people and their families.
In the same way that engagement is vital in tackling climate change the same applies to the issue of disadvantage and related anti social behaviour, even in selfish terms I don't think we have a choice, either we act in a positive and charitable way or let things fester and deteriorate further!
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
Bennett's Lane - meeting
Andy Pope and others have met briefly with David Parr today and he is going to provide Andy with details in the next few days about the process of opposing this appeal - this will include the possible content of letters of objection from residents re the 'Velocity' group's (current owners) appeal.
Andy got the impression from David Parr that the council would fight this appeal as much as money would allow!
Monday, 31 March 2008
Chloe the cat has returned!!
The haplas catless couple requesting our assistance have been flyposting all over the place offering all sorts of rewards for the cat's safe return - if you've been out and about you can't have missed them!
I learnt today whilst out catvassing that the cat has returned quietly, by itself, not wanting any fuss and probably put in for and received the heavily publicised reward many times over.
A purfect ending - sorreee!!
HGV/Lorry Watch - latest
"An email has been sent out, universally, to all the businesses in the Halton View area by the Business Watch officer. So we can now keep tabs on the situation for a month and I will also keep as many visits going as I can. Speak to you over the next few weeks, Chris Blakemore 20381"
He suggests that we keep recording lorries in the area - anyone wanting 'log' forms please let us know 0151 423 1692
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Blue bins (for paper) on 'Swedish' Houses Estate
I've received an email from Catherine Unsworth, Halton Council about the blue bins (for paper) situation on the 'Swedish' houses estate (see blog on 13th March).
She has told me that although the 'Swedish' houses along Warrington Rd are provided with blue bins the remaining 'Swedish' houses are not - they are provided with blue polythene bags.
I have sent the following email to Catherine asking her to clarify the matter:
"Thanks for your email about the blue bins on the 'Swedish' houses and other local areas.
You mention that only the 'Swedish' houses along Warrington Rd are provided with blue bins - are there any moves to provide the remainder of the 'Swedish' houses with them in the near future?
I understand from residents in the 'Swedish' houses that the blue bags they are provided with are easliy lost, paper can spill out of them and often they need more bags than they are provided with.
If there aren't any plans to provide the remaining houses with blue bins I would appreciate it if you could give me the reasons why this is not possible"
Thanks again
Derek Mellor"
It's seems unfair that some residents in the area are provided with blue bins and some not.
If it's a question of funding why can't local firms be approached to provide the bins in a sponsorship way - they might appreciate putting something back into the community and the kudos that would go with it.
We'll see what the council say...
Friday, 28 March 2008
HGV's/Lorry Watch
Residents in the next 6 weeks will need to monitor the situation. I've produced a template log for people to use to note down HGV's etc observed. If you're able to help let us know - phone 0151 423 1692.
If the situation does not improve will be arranging meetings with residents, hauliers, local firms and the police to look at other ways of dealing with the problem.
I've also been in touch with Network Rail and they will get involved at a later stage if police, trading standards need to consider prosecutions
Bennett's Lane update
We'll be discussing the appropriate content for letters from residents opposing Velocity Health Care's appeal to the Planning Inspectorate so that they have maximum effect.
Although I've sent my letter already I'll be sending additional objections if appropriate following the discussion re letters at next week's meeting.
I urge everyone to attend to prepare for producing and distributing letters opposing the new company's appeal.
I'll post the date and time of the meeting as soon as I have it but you can also access the Bennetts Lane site at where you'll find all the info you need.
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
HGV's Latest
Chris will be contacting a few more people and will be getting their opinions about the problem and how to deal with it - there is for instance to be a meeting tomorrow evening (28/03/08 at 6.30pm) at St Ambrose church hall with the police, residents and councillors - please attend if you can.
Initial plan is for the police to contact local hauliers and Rockwoods and inform them of the problem (this includes the speeding issue). Presumably they'll be discussing practical ways of dealing with it.
Then will wait a few months to see what effect such discussions have had. Residents will need to monitor whether there have been any reductions in the incidents.
If problems continue the police will arrange further meetings with residents and hauliers and other interested parties eg Rockwoods, if possible, to see what other actions could be taken. One idea is to operate CCTV in Moorfield Rd near the entrance to Rockwoods in order to catch offending vehicles although as has been pointed out previously some of the HGV's have nothing to do with Rockwoods.
Will keep you informed about the situation at least it seems at last that the police are taking the matter seriously.
Monday, 24 March 2008
Bennett's Lane - Letter opposing Appeal
Below is a template letter - you could use this or modify it and send it as quickly possible to the address at the end of the letter:-
"Dear Sir
Re: APP/D0650/X/08/2068530
Proposed Medium Secure Mental Health Unit, Bennett’s Lane Widnes.
I wish to object to the proposed opening of a medium secure mental health unit at Bennets Lane Widnes and particularly regarding the complete lack of consultation in relation to its usage with residents in this area.
From its inception in 2005 until January 2007 Montpellier the developer and Priory, the provider have deliberately kept information about its end use from local residents, council members and officials. I understand that when the chief executive of the Priory Group was asked why this lack of consultation had occurred his response was that it was owing to commercial reasons.
By their actions it would seem that Montpellier and Priory consider commercial reasons/profit making as being more important than ensuring that the local community was made fully aware and consulted about the building of such a unit in Bennett’s Lane Widnes.
The decision to build this type of unit obviously impacts in many ways on individual lives in this area and it would seem incumbent on Montpellier and Priory that they should have involved residents, members and officials at the earliest stages in the planning of such a venture.
Yours faithfully,"
Send to
Planning Inspectorate
Room 3/02, Kite Wing
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Temple Quay
Bristol BDS16PN
Sunday, 23 March 2008
Bennetts Lane - latest
Residents received a letter from the council confirming this on the 19th March
As the issue is now in the hands of the planning inspectorate and we have approximately four weeks left to appeal its vital that people write now to the inspectorate setting down their reasons for objecting to the proposal.
If you need help regarding this give us a ring 0151 423 1692
Please quote planning reference - APP/D0650/X/08/2068530
The address is:
Planning Inspectorate
Room 3/02 Kite Wing
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Temple Quay
Bristol BS1 6PN
Friday, 21 March 2008
Medium Secure Mental Health facility back on the agenda
The Bennett's Lane facility has been ready to start operations for several months. I think most people not in the know myself included (not being a councillor!!) taking on board press comments and the local Labour party's apparent determination to resist Priory's moves to open the centre considered that it was not going to go ahead and Priory were looking for alternative uses. In fact the most recent Labour leaflet suggested that Priory education were interested and had been in contact with the council.
However on the last week that appeals could be taken ie w.c. March 17th they have decided to take the plunge.
I'm unsure of the councils response as an appeal would seem to be a costly affair.
Certainly the Halton View Action group who were one of the main players involved in blocking the scheme will be having talks with the council which will include I assume David Parr and Rob Polhill this next week
I'll try to keep you posted about the issue
Thursday, 20 March 2008
HGV's - waiting for police action/ Spot a HGV Action?
Will be writing again to chief con.
In the meantime we are compiling a dosier of HGV's spotted on Moorfield Rd, Barrows Green Lane etc. If you see any try to get the firm's name and registration number - even if you don't still let us know. 0151 423 1692 or email
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Where have all the blue bins gone?
A resident approached me today (13.3.08) about the fact that there were no bins on the Swedish Houses area for recycling paper waste.
I've emailed Halton Borough Council to find out about the current situation and if there are any plans to provide blue bins in the near future.
This is the message I've sent:
'I understand there are no blue bins for waste paper available on the Swedish Houses area.
What facilities are available in this area re waste paper collection?
Are blue bins going to be provided in the near future? '
I'll let you have their response as soon as I receive it
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Incinerator Ince Marshes Frodsham
This incinerator's emissions will fall within a ten mile radius and will therefore include all of Halton. This of course is in an area which boasts the highest tonnage and widest range of chemicals emitted in England and Wales. Up to 60% of these current emissions are carcinogenic (cancer promoting). Halton also has one of the highest rates of cancer incidence in the country and although there is to date no conclusive evidence of a direct environmental causal link to cancer in Halton, a 2003 study, commisioned by the borough, suggested that the precautionary principle should be applied when considering all industrial developments because of the existing pollution problems in the area.
The incinerator at Ince Marshes, if built, will have very fine filters. Recent research indicates that the body is more susceptible to such finely filtered emissions (they're able to penetrate deeply into organs) and advises caution on the building of such units.
The proposed incinerator is one of 22 energy from heat incinerators (EFH) that are being considered in the UK. Apparantly the production of energy in EFH's is very inefficient around 10%.
Ince Marshes is one of 4 local incinerators planned which if built will add to air quality problems in Halton. Apart from the Ince Marshes one, the proposed Ineos Chlor EFH at Weston Point Runcorn is currently being considered by the sec of state for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (B.E.R.R) after being accepted by Halton Council's planning committee!
There are much 'greener' labour intensive alternatives to this sort of recyling at about the same costs which are currently up and running in various parts of the country eg Preston area.
To object to the Weston Point proposal write to the Sec of State Dept of B.E.R.R, Bay 2121, 1 Victoria St., London SW1H0ET and written objections regarding the Ince Marshes site should be sent to Waste and Planning Services Backford Hall Backford Cheshire CH1 6PX)
We need a good attendance at the Forest Hills Hotel meeting on the 14th May to show the extent of the opposition to the proposed plans for Ince Marshes. Please be there if you can! For further information contact Halton Green Party 0151 423 1692
Sunday, 9 March 2008
Overhanging branches on property
A resident on Shelton Close approached us about overhanging branches from trees on Weates Close recently and following our contact with the council they have cut offending branches back.
If you have problems over the issue give us a ring on 0151 423 1692
Saturday, 8 March 2008
No 2 Grandson Born
He's another reason to vote Green, honestly,
No. three grandson due next week.
Thursday, 6 March 2008
What it's all about!!
It's a busy and joyful time with much laughter and tears. It got me thinking about the time I'm spending working for the Green Party. Shouldn't I be devoting more time to my family - of course a big, big whopping yes!
But the time left over...well its got to be for me, considering our babies futures and all the other babies futures that are going to be born over the next weeks months years - if I don't try to do something now, no matter how little, about the massive issues of climate change, excessive consummerism and linked third world poverty, I feel I will be failing the next generation and generations to come (or not to come). This statement you might consider is steeped in sensationalism but it seems to me we haven't grasped yet the seriousness of the problems we're facing - we continue to live in a phooney war situation.
Saturday, 1 March 2008
HGV saga...
If you want to add your comments about HGV's in the area especially if you have details of the particular HGV incident you observed eg dates and times that'll be great.
Just contact us on 0151 423 1692.
P.B .Watch this blog to see if police can assist and for further updates re this issue
Monday, 25 February 2008
Channel 4 have just screened our Political Slot film . (See Utube video slot on right)
In the original film, Siân (mayoral candidate for London) explained how Greens on the London Assembly won a big pay rise for cleaners in the Fire Brigade by using their power of the Mayor’s budget to create the London Living Wage Unit.
But Channel 4 apparantly didn’t want you to see that. So they cut it out.
They were happy to let us tell you about how we’ve introduced a scheme to provide advice on greening your home, and how we’ve won funding to increase the amount and quality of green space in East London. And those are great achievements - but why is it that we’re not allowed to tell you that there’s more to Green politics than the environment?
You can see the full, 'uncensored' broadcast at:
Fortunately, not everyone wants to stop us fighting poverty pay - organisations including the NUS, Unite, UNISON, the Fawcett Society, and Oxfam have made Siân a Patron of the new Fair Pay Network, to be launched on Monday. Keep checking next week for more details on that campaign, and on how to join in.
It would be interesting to know why Channel 4 omitted this but it' s given us another opportunity to highlight the fact that we are not just a party of the environment.
Thursday, 21 February 2008
HGV's - Write to the Chief Con!
You could use the template letter below:
I am writing to complain about the increasing number of heavy goods vehicles and the speeds they are travelling at in the road where I live
This road has a weight restriction of 7.5 tons and lorries, some of them accessing Rockwood’s plant in Moorfield Road, are ignoring this weight limit.
I understand that Rockwood’s are attempting to ensure that vehicles do not access Moorfield Rd and Barrows Green Lane but the problem continues.
Some of the drivers of these vehicles are foreign and understandably they sometimes might make a wrong turn but they are obviously breaking the law and we should try to ensure that this does not occur.
This has been a long standing problem and residents have contacted the police on several occasions without seemingly any action being taken. I appreciate that this might not be a priority but there are some families in the area with young children who are very concerned about the matter and these drivers are breaking the law.
I would be grateful for any assistance you can offer,
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
HGV's Movements?
At the moment the weigh bridge is out of action at Rockwood and HGV's are being sent to the weigh bridge in Gorsey Lane. The company is giving maps to drivers directing them along the by pass away from Moorfield Rd and Barrows Green Lane.
Also there are signs in various languages inside the gates at the plant informing drivers that they must not turn left into Mooorfield Rd.
They will also try to contact all their local hauliers to let them know about the restrictions.
Rockwood state that there are HGV vehicles that are not going to their factory that are using Moorfield Rd.
We've produced a template letter complaining about the situation for residents to send to the Chief Constable - if you want one of these email us at We will hopefully delivering template letters in the vicinity.
As the Chief Con has to respond to all letters maybe this will make them take a harder look at the complaint. To date since the problems began they do not appear to have acted in any way.
Sunday, 17 February 2008
The Joys of Knocking on Doors
I'm always amazed just how many people really like to see you and how friendly everyone is - think it might be something to do with Widnes folk - or is it the chemicals - or even the Green Party!!!???
You really discover things about the area and in a funny way start feeling more a part of it. Its a pity its not a deep seated cultural thing this knocking on the door of a neighbour/resident you don't know and getting to know them - canvassing for a political party is perhaps one of the few things left that provides a passport for this activity as people generally find it acceptable
So if anyone would like to experience this and supports us (well maybe not even that) give us a shout.
Thanks again
Friday, 15 February 2008
Local Recycling
"A resident in Moorfield Rd wanted to know if recyling bins could once again be sited in the Moorfield Rd area. There used to be some at the Crow Wood roundabout car park but because of vandalism were removed.
This person does not have access to a car and the nearest recycing centre is 2 miles away.
I'm not sure what the take up for using recyling bins in this area would be but perhaps it might be worth seeing whether a local firm like Rockwoods could help in some way by providing bins on thier site giving access to the public and supervising them.
Can you tell me if the council has any plans to provide bins in this area again - thanks".
Anybody else got ideas about this - please let us know
I'll let you know when I get a response from the concil
Thursday, 14 February 2008
Dog Fouling Moorfield Rd Belmont Rd., Barrows Green Lane and Ribble Close Widnes
He said that he's had several complaints about fouling on the three roads and also Ribble Close on the Weates Estate.
He will be stepping up patrols in the area over the next few weeks. People can be fined on the spot £50 for the offence.
Since the operations began in 2005, 35 people have been fined.
If there is a lot of fouling in an area the councils highways dept can be contacted through the main council number (0151 907 8300) and it will be cleaned up
To report incidents phone Mike at the council ext 3212
I have contacted Halton Council to find out about the situation - below is the query
'Several residents of Moorfield Rd and Barrows Green Lane have reported that HGV's are using Barrows Green Lane and Moorfield Rd. These road have weight restrictions - does the council have a responsibilty to ensure situation not happening or is it entirely a policing matter.
As the main culprit seems to be HGV's accessing Rockwoods plant in Moorfield Rd would it be possible to mount CCTV in the vicinity to capture such HGV's
It seems in the past that residents have approached the council and police but nothing has really happened and the problem seems to be getting worse.
Would be grateful for any help re matter'
I'll let you know the outcome of this
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
'We have been out speaking to residents today in Moorfield Rd (inbetween roundabout and rail line) and several have mentioned the problem of dog fouling.
Is there action you can take to deal with this please'.
I'll be letting residents know results of this contact.